
NOTE: This process has been tested on a GE DISCOVERY MR750

Prerequisites for setup

  • FIRMM version 3.2 or greater installed on a separate Linux computer that is networked to the scanner host computer. If FIRMM is not yet installed, visit firmm.io for more info.
  • You will need to know the FIRMM user name and password, set during the installation of FIRMM. The user name will be firmmproc unless FIRMM was installed sudo-less, in which case it will be the installer's user name. It is referenced below as FIRMM_USER.
  • You will need to know the FIRMM computer IP address, referenced below as FIRMM_IP.
  • ssh keys will need to be set to enable connection from the scanner host to the FIRMM computer without requiring a password, see instructions below.
  • Copy firmm_monitor and firmm_rsync.sh from ${INCOMING_DICOM_DIR}/DICOM_stream_shortcuts/ to /usr/g/bin/.
  • Sequences with a pulse sequence description (DICOM tag [0019,109E]) of 'EPI' will be sent to the FIRMM computer via rsync.

Set ssh key instructions

  1. Open a terminal on the scanner host computer.
  2. Type ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096.
  3. Hit enter three times. This will create the ssh key at the default path and create it without a password.
  4. Type ssh FIRMM_USER@FIRMM_IP mkdir -p .ssh and enter your FIRMM_USER password.
  5. Type cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh FIRMM_USER@FIRMM_IP 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' and enter your FIRMM_USER password.
  6. You should now be able to log in to (and rsync files to) the FIRMM computer from the scanner host without a password.

MR session instructions

Follow these steps every time you run an MR session.

  • Start the FIRMM software on the remote Linux computer.
  • Run the localizers for the scan.
  • Open a command window and run firmm_monitor on the scanner host, giving the exam number as the only argument.
  • Keep the monitor running for the duration of the session. When a new series is started it will detect the series type. If the pulse sequence description ([0019,109E]) is 'EPI' it will start the transfer to the FIRMM machine.
  • If a series doesn't finish running before the next starts, then the new series will not be transferred to the FIRMM computer.