
v3.2.13 (2020-06-06)

  • BUGFIX: FIRMM filtered FD numbers applied incorrect scaling for rotations about L-R axis resulting in a small discrepancy. Note: the impacts before and after the fix have been evaluated and determined to be inconsequential.

v3.2.12 (2020-01-21)

  • BUGFIX: The FIRMM GUI would crash if "Filtered FD" was selected, and zero filtered frames were available for a given series. This is now fixed.

v3.2.11 (2020-01-17)

  • BUGFIX: The GE transfer script firmm_rsync.sh should now properly handle BOLD runs that are stopped before completion of the run.

v3.2.10 (2020-01-14)

  • MINOR UPDATE: Better log messages in the terminal.
  • MINOR UPDATE: Debug logging information outputs to a log file, which can be located at /home/firmmproc/FIRMM/v3.2.10/code/FIRMM_processing.log.
  • BUGFIX: FIRMM could get stuck reading GE DICOM data if data for several frames were arriving all at once (like during the beginning of an 800ms TR multi-band sequence while the reconstruction is catching up). This is now fixed.

v3.2.9 (2019-12-01)

  • NEW FEATURE: FIRMM is now compatible with GE! Click here for more info about DICOM transfer.
  • NEW FEATURE: CSV output can be found in /home/firmmproc/FIRMM/v3.2.9/sessions/FIRMM_logs
  • NEW FEATURE: FIRMM is now compatible with Singularity! The installer will ask if you want to use Docker or Singularity. This has been tested using Singularity 2.6.3 on a Neurodebian system, and on a system running Singularity 3.2.0.
  • MINOR UPDATE: Printable quick start page for Siemens. Print it, put it up on the wall in the control room, stop answering questions about how to run FIRMM!
  • MINOR UPDATE: The DICOM transfer script for Siemens has been improved to more clearly report if the scanner->FIRMM connection has been made.
  • BUGFIX: Previously, FIRMM would use only the first TR encountered to make time calculations, and the calculations would then be wrong for subsequent series with a different TR. This is now fixed, sessions with multiple TRs should report summaries/progress/predictions correctly.

v3.0.14 (2018-10-17)

  • MINOR UPDATE: Added "For investigational use only" note.

v3.0.13 (2018-09-25)

  • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where FIRMM would crash if given a BOLD image that had a non-square slice matrix.
  • BUGFIX: Ignore CMRR BOLD single-band reference image (SBRef).

v3.0.12 (2018-04-10)

  • NEW FEATURE: Multi-echo BOLD: FIRMM will use the first echo volume of each BOLD frame to calculate motion and ignore all other echo volumes
  • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where processed image data was not properly cleaned up. The ~firmmproc/FIRMM/v3*/sessions/ directory should be much smaller now.

v3.0.10 (2018-03-26)

  • BUGFIX: fixed a bug where DICOMs couldn't be written to the incoming DICOM folder because the samba user connecting was different from the local FIRMM user

v3.0.9 (2018-03-02)

  • BUGFIX: settings will now be applied automatically when clicking "Save Profile"

v3.0.8 (2018-02-28)

  • BUGFIX: fixed error due to spaces or other special characters in "Patient Name" or "Patient ID" DICOM header fields

v3.0.7 (2018-02-23)

  • NEW FEATURE: Filtered FD: choose between displaying "raw" FD and "filtered" FD to account for artifactually-produced motion (for more information on the FIRMM FD filter, see the FAQ entry
  • NEW FEATURE: Ignore specific BOLD series from summary statistics and plot (user-selectable)
  • NEW FEATURE: Select which DICOM folder to start processing
  • NEW FEATURE: Change settings with the new Settings Tab in the FIRMM GUI

v2.1.3 (2017-10-19) Click here for FIRMM Version 2 Documentation

  • BUGFIX: fixed incorrect FD for second frame of each series

v2.1.2 (2017-08-24)

  • BUGFIX: fixed temporary file cleanup in motion correction script
  • BUGFIX: fixed install script not being able to find "release" version files

v2.1.1b (2017-06-26)

  • FEATURE: display framewise displacement (FD) of BOLD data during acquisition
  • FEATURE: display summary table of BOLD series with how much low-motion data has been collected for each series
  • FEATURE: predict how much scan time it will take to collect a specified amount of low-motion data